Really can't wait to return home to Albany Tuesday. Just some of the things I've missed about home:
I've missed the fat gossipy moms who live in Logan Manor. They really have a knack for raising kids who just emit mediocracy all throughout the neighborhood.
I've also missed all the kkkeewl kids from high school. They're so kewwl and intelligent that they've even made up their own kewwwl language.
It's cold out- It's brick titties.
It's really good-shits mad legit.
lets listen to music-lets listen to that OD dub filth and get raunch.
She's ugly- bitch is beat.
lets get drunk- sizzurpin'.
Hanging with my friends-squad up/quad deep. A BUNCH OF WHITE KIDS FROM GUILDERLAND ARE NOT A SQUAD. THEY ARE A CLIQUE.

I'm really going to enjoy seeing all the dirtbags again. They complain about their family lives and about their lack of money. They mooch off of everybody and treat women like shit and have dirty fingernails and use the word 'nigger' to refer to their friends. YET they always have enough money to put together some kind of odd Nike hat and shoe combination. These dirtbags always have their expensive Nike hats balanced ever-so-gayly atop their heads and their colorful sneakers that are 5 sizes too big for their size 7 feet.
I've missed the racist loser cops that pollute the streets like annoying summer mosquoties.
I've missed my extended family that's always totally been their for me. They're never condescending at all and have never made fun of me for being a communications major! And none of my uncles are creepy perverts!
I've missed girls who say, "I thought I left high school drama behind when I left high school." A simple solution: STOP HANGING OUT WITH HIGH SCHOOL KIDS AT THE GOD DAMN HIGH SCHOOL.
I've missed crack houses in Albany. Such a beautiful capital. We even have a building shaped like an egg! There's only two in the world...probably because the architects realized what a dumb fucking idea it was to construct a building shaped like a broken egg. My brother would disagree with this because he thinks the egg is good for acoustic guitars or something. He's probably right.
I've missed crack houses in Albany. Such a beautiful capital. We even have a building shaped like an egg! There's only two in the world...probably because the architects realized what a dumb fucking idea it was to construct a building shaped like a broken egg. My brother would disagree with this because he thinks the egg is good for acoustic guitars or something. He's probably right.
Can't wait to hear people talk about the camp bisco line up and how they're totally gonna roll face. I mean, it's totally like Woodstock....except for the "musicians" are not really musicians as much as they are computer nerds who are good with a mac music sound board.
People from home just love to be big fishes in a little pond. It's only a matter of before they they get hooked in the mouth.
Man... I cant wait to go home.
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