it's stressful
'ya know
playing hide and seek
always half worrying
of getting raped or beat
it's not fair
'ya know
being a girl
men cast out their bait
to catch a fish with their lureit's hard

when you see the truth
when it's man against woman
and gender trumps our youth
and it's not right
'ya know
being the victim of their lust
knowing we're scared of them
but they're never scared of us
and it hurts
'ya know
when you're running in heels
white blisters form on feet
skin dries up and then it peels
and it's sick
'ya know
'cause i can't find the perks
and every time they bare their teeth
it's not a smile, but a smirk
and it's annoying
'ya know
being scared of a man

yet i follow his command
and it gets noisy
'ya know
hearing all their heckles
doesn't matter what you look like
white, black, brunette or freckles
but that's life
'ya know
that's how it is for now at least
equal in the law but not on the streets
we're some form of the beauty
and they're some form of the beast.
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