Facebook; It should be used for what it was intended:
a) Stalking “friends” who don’t know you exist.
b) Making fun of people from behind the computer screen.
c) Uploading pictures to make your life look cooler than it really is.
And not used for:
a) Religious opinions.
b) Political debates.
c) “Modeling portfolio.”
Facebook indicates that over a decades worth of education has fallen on deaf ears; The deafest being young white people.
More than a few of my unnamed Facebook “friends” have begun using Facebook as a medium to relay their political and racial beliefs.
Week after week I see privileged white people complain about something they refer to as, “Reverse Racism.”
Years of history classes and inborn common sense would deter even a stupid person from this kind of thinking. But maybe I’m too quick to judge these poor white people targeted by BET and America’s heavy duty storm of reverse racism. Maybe these kids were absent during the days when we learned about racial things. Things like:
White Americans enslaving black people for hundreds of years.
or black people being considered only 3/5ths a person.
or Jim Crowe Laws.
or the Civil Rights Movement.
or Rosa Parks.
or lynchings.
or the word nigger.
What would that network even consist of?
-A brief history in time of our founding fathers?
-Documentaries of hicks toting guns out into the forest to kill and eat squirrels.
-The offensive nature of the word “Cracker.”
-QVC-esk broadcasts selling Tom’s Toothpaste and Barry Manilow CD’s.
-Laguna Beach re-runs?
It’s human nature to want attention from any endured suffering. As people, there is an always-there desire for recognition. Unfortunately, Facebook tells me that there are a number of white people who can’t quite accept that, “Caucasian” is not yet a race worthy of recognition. That’s not to say that white individuals are not worthy of recognition. Getting an A on your paper, helping an old lady cross the street, starting your own organization against racism or shaving your vagina without awakening a fury of red bumps. These things all deserve some kind of high five or pat on the back. But like the past of yourself, the past of your race can bind you with a bad reputation.
If black pride apparel, bumper stickers or one entertainment network is all that these Facebook people can scrounge up and rename as racism, they should consider themselves extremely lucky. After this reconsidering, these people should then delete their Facebook’s, and then delete themselves in general. The world won’t be missing too much. I’m able to say this with some confidence after I realized that most of these “victims of reverse racism” are also young know-nothings who have adopted the ill-made opinions of their parents.
They are the self-proclaimed heros working dead end jobs and forming dead end opinions as they deliver a plate of sliders to a table of black people with a smile and then later refer to them a bunch of niggers. They are the most useless freedom fighters that have ever existed, for what freedoms are they fighting for that haven’t already been handed to them on a silver platter?
They are the self-proclaimed heros working dead end jobs and forming dead end opinions as they deliver a plate of sliders to a table of black people with a smile and then later refer to them a bunch of niggers. They are the most useless freedom fighters that have ever existed, for what freedoms are they fighting for that haven’t already been handed to them on a silver platter?
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