Monday, December 13, 2010

Trends to End in 2011

-The messy "I'm hungover college girl" look.
-Kiss face/peace sign Facebook picture. (aerial view taken as if from a helicopter.)
-Dumb crop tops on dumb people. 
-Bedazzling your electronics/vagina. 
-Bragging about Four Lokos/how TOTALLY WASTED you got last night.
-Dub step. SORRY.
-Referring to your friend as "bbg." 
-Leather leggings. 
-Fake hipster glasses.
-Headbands that go across your forehead. 
-Taking any more than 3 serious pictures on photo booth.
-Bronzer on your face that ends up looking like army paint.
-Mirror pictures. (at least turn the flash off).
-Pictures that show me your gingivitis infested tongue. 
-Girls dressing up for Albany. Down there, The only pearls around your neck are probably a result of date rape.
-Uggs + North Face jacket + leggings (camel toe usually included).
-Bandeau bras worn as a shirt.
-Child pageants. 
-Tribal tattoos.
-Ironic T-shirts. 
-Appletini's (dad) 

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